Friday, April 9, 2010


Another Day at the Office

Hard at Work - Aria Pourbozorgi scoping giants at
Pipeline, Hawaii

For most, a job involves a desk, a tie, claustrophobia and a 10 minute lunch break; for Aria Pourbozorgi, work is slightly different.

If he’s not surfing himself, Aria can be found all over the globe, camera equipped, with an ever-growing team of professional riders, in search of the rare opportunity to capture unique moments of beauty shared between a bodyboarder and a wave.

Noticing that most of the footage released nowadays strikes up a feeling of dejavu as it is mainly from one camera angle, Aria recognises the need to go against the grain by not only filming riders in fresh, unmapped locations, but also by capturing them from multiple angles with multiple cameras to fuel new dimensions and provide an whole new viewer experience.

“It seems that every kid out there has a video camera and it down shooting” he says, “I try and use new and exciting angles to help make the footage look different to the viewer”.

Together with a video camera and his magic touch, Aria plans to revolutionise the nature of bodyboarding films and, in doing so, shift the status of bodyboarding to unprecedented heights.

“The future looks pretty good [for bodyboarding], I have a new DVD in the works at the moment called ‘Upside Down’ which will be out early next year”.

For Aria, the future of bodyboarding looks bright at the end of the lense.

Aria’s DVD can be tracked at

Interview by Russell Davies

Photo: Allen Meiluk

Friday, March 26, 2010


Got some amazing footage yesterday of joe clarke, rigby, corey mclean, winny, cade sharp, sam bennett and many more, here is a tiiiiny peek at some of the GOLD.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Where are the waves??

FLAT, FLAT AND FLATTER! this dry spell however is not flattening our spirits check back soon for the release of our name, logo and a few treats!!

We also want to hear from you guys in regards to what you are frothing to see so dont be scared to comment!


Sunday, March 7, 2010


A tiny selection of frames from Hawaii, i have over 250 amazing clips to work with for the movie!





Our two man wolf pack has increased by one with the Addition of Lucas Vazquez (the man behind the soon to be released HOLD film).
With 3 creative and experienced guys behind the lens's this movie is set to blow minds!
Just think of the possibilities.....

Start spreading the word!!!!



you know where

Saturday, March 6, 2010

South Coast

I travelled down the south coast to blackrock on thursday to shoot for the DVD with Michael Novy and Jarrod Gibson.
We arrived on sunrise to have our spirits shattered as we saw a 1ft swell with 20 guys out, this however did not stop Ben Player from heading out to rip it to bits and Novy and Gibbo where soon out in the line up shredding. Other riders ripping where Piere,Glen Thurston and Jarred Housten!
The swell built and so did the level of riding here are a couple of frames from the day!


New DVD in the wroks!

Aria Pourbozorgi and Marty Keyes have started to lay down lay down the foundations of what will be a new and exiting Bodyboarding film out early 2011!!

With the Hawaii footage already ticked off, the boys will now focus their attention on covering this winter in Australia!

More to come stay tuned for recent sessions and frame grabs!